Délįnę Got’įnę Government Intergovernmental Relations Update

Ministerial Level Meetings

Advocating for Health Supports with Prime
Minister Trudeau and Federal Cabinet Members
at the Intergovernmental Leaders Forum,
Ottawa May 08, 2023

On May 08, 2023, the Délįnę Drummers opened an annual
meeting between all Modern Treaty and Self Government
holders, with the Prime Minister of Canada, and members of
his Cabinet. The purpose of the meeting was for leaders to
describe critical issues in modern treaty implementation
including financing, education, and language revitalization.

Ɂek’wahtı̨dǝ́ Danny Gaudet was one of about ten leaders
asked to speak on behalf of the group, emphasizing the need
for greater federal support to health and wellness issues for
modern treaty holders. Drummers in attendance included:
Kenny Neyelle, Leonard Kenny, AJ Kenny, Ɂek’waht
Raymond Taniton, Dolphus Baton, and Hughie Ferdinand.
Officials in attendance included Paulina Roche, CEO; Kari
Ferdinand, Executive Assistant, and Stephen Mills, DGG’s
Intergovernmental Advisor.

Ɂekw’ahtı̨dǝ́ Danny Gaudet, and Ɂekw’ahtı̨ Leonard Kenny
attended the tabling of the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act at the NWT Legislative
Assembly on March 29, 2023.
Co-developed by a working group of officials representing
Indigenous governments in the NWT, the legislation is an
initiative of the NWT Council of Leaders, and is a key priority
of the 19th Legislative Assembly. The proposed law will
establish a process to ensure that all GNWT laws and policies
implement the articles of the Declaration.
In the press release issued by the Council of Leaders, the
Ɂekw’ahtı̨dǝ́ emphasized the importance of the proposed
legislation to guiding the relationship with the GNWT, and
implementing self government.

Northwest Territory Metis Nation Vice President Gary
Bailey, Ɂekw’ahtı̨dǝ́ Gaudet, NWT Premier Caroline
Cochrane, and Ayoni Keh Land Corporation President
Joseph Kochon at the Legislative Assembly March 29,
Supporting the NWT Law to Implement the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

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